Lead Capture

Lead Capture Form: Generate Leads Before Launch

The lead capture form in SaaSavant is a key feature designed to help you build your email list and generate leads even before your product is fully launched. This pre-made form is integrated into your landing page and provides an easy way for visitors to express their interest in your offering.

Lead Capture Form

Key Features

  • Automatic Popup: The form automatically appears on your landing page 10 seconds after a visitor arrives. This delay gives users time to engage with your content before being prompted to sign up.

  • Simple Email Submission: Visitors can enter their email address directly into the form. This submission will add their email to the waitingList collection in Firebase Firestore, allowing you to collect and manage potential leads efficiently.

  • Customizable Options: If you wish to customize the form or remove it entirely, you can do so by modifying or removing the component in your app/page.tsx file. This flexibility ensures the form aligns with your branding and user experience goals.


Generate Leads Early

The lead capture form allows you to start building a list of interested prospects even before your product launches. By capturing email addresses, you can:

  • Engage Early Adopters: Reach out to potential customers who are already interested in your product or service. Early engagement can lead to a more successful launch.

  • Build Anticipation: Keep your audience informed and excited about upcoming features, updates, and launch dates. Regular communication can help maintain interest and increase the likelihood of conversions.

  • Gather Feedback: Use the early feedback from potential users to refine your product and address any concerns before the official launch.

Manage and Use Your Waiting List

Once you have collected email addresses, you can:

  • Send Updates and Offers: Use the collected email addresses to send out newsletters, exclusive offers, and updates about your product. This helps in maintaining engagement and building relationships with your audience.

  • Analyze Interest: Understand how many visitors are interested in your product by tracking sign-ups. This data can be valuable for planning your marketing strategy and making informed decisions.

Customization and Management

If you need to customize the form or remove it from your landing page, you can easily do so by editing the app/page.tsx file. This flexibility allows you to:

  • Adjust Appearance: Modify the styling and content of the form to better fit your brand’s aesthetics.

  • Enable/Disable: Choose to display or hide the form based on your needs. If you decide to remove it, simply update the app/page.tsx file to fit your preferences.

By leveraging the lead capture form, you can start generating leads and building a strong foundation for your product’s launch. This pre-made feature is designed to help you connect with potential customers and enhance your marketing efforts from day one.