
SaaSavant Setup Checklist:


  • [ ]: Setup project environment
  • [ ]: Setup Firebase
  • [ ]: Setup Stripe
  • [ ]: Connect Firebase to Stripe
  • [ ]: Setup Sendgrid
  • [ ]: Configure .env.local
  • [ ]: Configure siteMetadata.js
  • [ ]: Create Admin user


  • [ ]: Build your Saas
  • [ ]: Edit theme in tailwind.config.js
  • [ ]: Edit Landing Page Components
  • [ ]: Edit Admin Dashboard Components
  • [ ]: Edit Page Components (About, FAQ, etc.)
  • [ ]: Edit Toast Notifications


  • [ ]: Change Firestore to Production Mode in Firebase Settings adjust rules
  • [ ]: Change Stripe to Production Mode in Stripe Settings
  • [ ]: Change Firebase to Production Mode in Firebase Settings
  • [ ]: Change Firestore rules to production using the provided rules
  • [ ]: Update the NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL in .env.local
  • [ ]: Test app
  • [ ]: Deploy to Vercel
  • [ ]: Enable Analytics and Speed Insights in Vercel